Tuesday, March 6, 2012

tip #7

Tip #7
Whatever you do...do not lie to your children about the scariness of a ride. This is my biggest pet peeve of all time. If you are standing in the line of a ride called, "Snow White's Scary Adventure" do not tell your child that the ride isn't scary! You will lose the trust of your child if you lie on the first ride you get on. I tell my children that the ride is a little scary, but we know how it ends. I allow them to bury their head in my shoulder if necessary, but I will not tell them it is not scary. All Disney movies have villains in them and they are usually in the ride, but in the end, good wins out. You know your child and if they are a timid, easily frightened child DO NOT ruin Disneyland for them by making them ride scary things. Utilize a baby pass and allow them to sit off the ride.

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